Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Responding to God's Call to Build the Kingdom ~ by Cathy Woodson

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wis 12:13, 16-19
Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16
Rom 8:26-27
Mt 13:24-43

Today's reading and the homily reminds us of our baptism; that we are called to build the Kingdom through our behavior and our actions. Today, Jesus lays out a proposal: People must love one another in order to live in Peace and Joy. We are called to love one another.

The Kingdom of God is like a treasure; this is our highest priority, holding the treasure in our hearts that gives us the desire to create a better world of love, leading us to working for justice with peace. We should fully invest in our faith, living spiritual lives, and giving our total selves to God. Our future should always be about loving God and keeping our focus on building our heavenly treasure.

~ Image by Hermano Leon Clipart

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Waiting til the Harvest ~ Reflection of the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wis 12:13, 16-19
Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16, (5a)
Rom 8:26-27
Mt 13:24-30

This week in Matthew's Gospel, we are again given an example of a farmer sowing his seed; this time with the intention of growing wheat. However, this time we are told that his enemy comes along during the night and sows weeds all through the wheat. What should the farmer do when he discovers that his wheat field has weeds growing all through it? Should he immediately pull up all the weeds even though some of the wheat will surely be pulled up along with it?

"No," says Jesus. The farmer instructs his workers to wait til the harvest when both wheat and weeds have matured and then pull the weeds first to be burned. Then the wheat can be harvested and placed in the barn.

We can see in this parable how much the Lord cares for even the most insignificant ones of us. Just as the farmer did not want to lose even one grain of wheat, the Lord doesn't want to lose any one of us. After all, we are his adopted sons and daughters. The Lord gives us every grace to grow in his Love. He give us every opportunity to repent of our sins. He wants even the least of us to inherit the Kingdom.

Even the psalmist recognized this as he glorified the Lord:

"You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in kindness and fidelity." (Ps 86:15)

The Book of Wisdom also reminds us of the justice, power and clemency of our God. His actions on our behalf bring us hope that we will be found worthy of a place in the Kingdom. (Wis 12:13 ff)

~ Image from A Capuchin Journey

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yielding a Fruitful Harvest ~ A Reflection on the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Is 55:10-11
Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14
Rom 8:18-23
Mt 13:1-23

In today's Gospel of Matthew, we hear again the parable of the sower and the seed. The people of Jesus' time could easily have identified with this farmer who scattered his seed everywhere. They would have realized what would happen if the seed landed in the road or between the rocks; even among the thorns... and they would surely have known what a plentiful harvest the farmer would have reaped if the seeds landed in rich soil, where they could sprout and grow and bear fruit.

And yet, regardless of their knowledge of the farmers' lore, they did not appear to understand what this parable meant in terms of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God that Jesus was teaching. They could not grasp that the seeds were the listeners themselves who were hearing the word that Jesus taught. That many of them would accept the word and have joy in it, but because of obstacles in their way, their faith would soon die.

But, in spite of those whose faith would not last, there were countless others who would hear the word and understand it... and would persevere. These were the faith-filled people who were sown in rich soil... who would bear fruit in a bountiful harvest.

These faith-filled ones are the people we strive to be in our own time. The Lord reminds us through the prophet Isaiah, that "my word shall not return to me void." (Is 55:11) Our faith can be nourished through God's word. That word has the power to change us. We need only to open our hearts; to say "Yes"... so that we can bear fruit.

At the harvest, the psalmist responds with joy and thankfulness as he recognizes God's providence and care for us:

"You have crowned the year with your bounty
and your paths overflow with a rich harvest."

Ps 65:12

~ The parable of the Sower by James Tissot

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Monday, July 11, 2011

The Sower and His Seeds ~ A parable in pictures

~ Image by Image and Spirit

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Revealed to the Little Ones ~ A Reflection on the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ze 9:9-10
Ps 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13-14
Rom 8:9, 11/13
Mt 11:25-30

In today's first reading, a prophecy about a Messiah is given to the prophet Zechariah. It is a joyful and hopeful prophecy as God describes the savior to come. He will be a king; but not the kind of king that people will expect.

This future King will forgo the usual trappings of kingship. He will not base his Kingdom on political intrigue or victorious campaigns. Instead, he will be a just and humble savior who will turn away from the weapons of war and proclaim peace to the nations.

In Matthew's Gospel, we see the embodiment of this Savior in the person of Jesus, who invites all who labor and are burdened to come to him and he will give them rest. "Learn from me," Jesus tells us (Mt 11:25 ff); for he is the same meek and humble one that the prophecy of Zechariah describes.

Jesus tells us that the high and mighty of the world will not understand this type of kingship. Instead, God will reveal everything to the "little ones" - those who in their humility are willing to take on the Lord's yoke. These are the ones who live in hope, and trust in their Savior.

They are the ones who open themselves to the life of the Spirit of God that dwells in them, as Paul describes in the Letter to the Romans (Ro 8:9).

We are filled with praise and thankfulness in knowing that our heavenly Father cares so deeply for us. We depend on him because he is our provider and the love we give him, we are to give freely and willingly.

"The Lord is faithful in all his words
and holy in all his works.
The Lord lifts up all who are falling
and raises up all who are bowed down."

Ps 145:13-14

Image at
St. Andrew Catholic Church

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Friday, July 01, 2011

July Birthdays at St. E's ~ by Ethel Cooley

Happy Birthday Everybody!

07/01/11 ~ Diane Neylan

07/04/11 ~ Nicholas Hall

07/06/11 ~ Kenneth Soistman

07/08/11 ~ Treshawn McCall

07/10/11 ~ Mackenzie Jaquez

07/13/11 ~ Woody Kaine

07/15/11 ~ Mary Ann Allen

07/20/11 ~ Mary G. Baker and Roland Smith

07/26/11 ~ Leila Moore and Lucy Thompson

07/27/11 ~ Keon Wilkins Green

07/28/11 ~ Corey Nero

07/31/11 ~ Tyshell Jones

~ Image by Webweaver
