Thursday, February 29, 2024

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - Second Sunday of Lent - February 25, 2024

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

Second Sunday of Lent

February 25, 2024



This Friday, March 1st, we will have Mass at 12 p.m. and an hour of Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  In this special season of Lent, I invite all of you to attend this special hour of prayer and meditation with Our Lord.  It is important that we challenge ourselves to acts of prayer and kindness during these days leading up to Easter as we navigate such a tumultuous world.

On every Friday at 6 p.m., we have Stations of the Cross in the Church.  This Friday's Stations are led by our Haiti Ministry with a special meal beforehand.

On March 23rd, we will have a Lenten Retreat led by Sr. Anns James and a Communal Reconciliation Service to follow at 12 p.m.  We will have 5 priests, including myself, from around the diocese to hear confessions.  As Catholics, one of our wonderful gifts from God, Our Father, is the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  I encourage you to attend both the retreat and the Reconciliation Service that weekend leading up to Palm Sunday and Holy Week.  There is a message in the bulletin and more details will be shared in next week's bulletin.

I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our 2024 Annual Appeal through your generous donations and prayers.  If you have yet to make your contribution to our appeal goal, please click the link in this bulletin.  Extra envelopes for the appeal can be gotten from an usher after any Mass on weekends or throughout the week or by visiting the Parish Office.

I would like to say a special thank you to the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament who are attending our 10 a.m. Mass to speak about their foundress, St. Katherine Drexel and the work of their order.


Fr. Jim

 ~ Image Source

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RISC Rally at Second Baptist Church - February 27, 2024 ~ Photos and Information by Beverley Bryant

RISC Rally

Second Baptist Church

February 27, 2024

Sr. Mary Mwangi leading prayer at our RISC Rally on February 27, 2024.  Sr. Mary also participates on RISC's Clergy Team and is RISC Team Leader for our St. Elizabeth Imoja Families.

Seated behind Sr. Mary is Reverend Amy Redwine of First Presbyterian Church.

Back Row:  Beverley Bryant - Peg Baker - Dan Burns - Joe Kunkel - Nancy Kunkel

Front Row:  Sr. Anns James - Ann Gibbons - Tony Miller

RISC Rally

The photo above, are 8 of 18 RISC Network Members representing St. Elizabeth Catholic Church at the event.  We are reaching for a goal of 100+ from our parish to attend RISC's Annual Nehemiah Action on March 19, 2024.  This is when we show our commitment to justice by holding public official accountable.

Our issues are Affordable Housing/Healthy Homes and Gun Violence intervention.

 ~ Photos and Information by Beverley Bryant


A Visit to Tusome Pamoja / Saturday School - February 24, 2024 ~ Photos and Information by Beverley Bryant

A Visit to Tusome Pamoja

All Saints Catholic School

February 24, 2024

It was my privilege Saturday, February 24, 2024 to be invited by Liz to visit the Tusome Pamoja Saturday School (nonprofit) which is held at All Saints Catholic School.

I learned from Liz Wiz about the justice-minded high schoolers who mentor the students.  As a RISC team leader for St. Elizabeth, it was very exciting to share RISC with them.

Father Jim also visited that day.  I saw in his face that he was happy to interact with the children.

It was amazing to see how many students and mentors devote time to furthering education in math and English...especially to those who are new to the US.

Beverley Bryant -

"Liz Wiz"

~ Photos by Beverley Bryant


A Look Back to Christmas 2023 - Fourth Sunday of Advent / Christmas Eve - Lighting the Candles! ~ Photos by Connie Hom


Fourth Sunday of Advent / Christmas Eve

December 24, 2023

Sr. Elena Henderson - Sr. Jean Marie Craig - Sr. Maureen Carroll - Sr. Beulah Martin - Sr. Tiberh

~ Photos by Connie Hom

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Sunday, February 25, 2024

St. Elizabeth Church February / March Lenten Calendar

 St. Elizabeth February/March 2024 Lenten Calendar

Click Here


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Black History Event - Ancient Order of Hibernians and Ladies' Ancient Order of Hibernians Treat St. Elizabeth Parishioners to Breakfast - 2/18/2024 ~ Photos by Connie Hom

St. Elizabeth Black History Month Event

AOH and LAOH Annual Breakfast

February 18, 2024

 ~ Photos by Connie Hom

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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - First Sunday of Lent - February 18, 2024

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

First Sunday of Lent

February 18, 2024



We are now in the special liturgical season of Lent.  A time of prayer, fasting and alms giving.  I am challenging all to have this be a special time of Prayer.

I believe we are living in challenging times, times of division of a national and global nature. The Church in its wisdom, calls us to love one another and to be peacemakers.  We are asked to do acts of penance, to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and to abstain from meat on the Fridays of Lent.

I hope you will consider attending the Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 6 p.m. and enjoy a simple meal with us before the Stations at 5 p.m. in the Parish Hall or attending one of our weekday Masses on Wednesdays or Fridays.  On March 23rd, we will have a Lenten Retreat led by Sr. Anns James with a communal Reconciliation service to follow.  More details will be shared in the next coming weeks.

Spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament; we have Benediction after the 12 p.m. Mass every First Friday of the month, the next Friday being March 1st.

Our country and world need our prayers.  Please make this Lent a special journey to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.


Fr. Jim

 ~ Image Source

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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Ash Wednesday - February 14, 2024 ~ Photo by Lula Lamb


St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

Noon Mass

February 14, 2024

 ~ Photo by Lula Lamb

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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 11, 2024

 St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 11, 2024



This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday.  We start Lent.  Masses will be at 12 p.m. and 6 p.m.  Please plan on attending Mass.  Lent is 40 days of prayer, fasting and alms giving.  We are Blessed as a Roman Catholic community to live out to embrace this special holy Lenten season.  Please click here for our full Lenten Calendar or visit our online calendar ar

Recently, many of you received a letter from Bishop Knestout asking for your support of the 2024 Annual Diocesan Appeal.  We hope you will prayerfully consider this request.  For those of you who did not receive a mailing or have not had time to respond to it, we will conduct our In-Pew Process at all Masses during the weekends of February 18th and February 25th.

An important aspect of the Appeal is that all parishes receive back a portion of their funds collected to be used for important local priorities.  This year our Annual Appeal goal is $14,910.00.

Every year we get back more money from the Diocese than we give for the Annual Appeal.  Below is a list of grants that we received from the Diocese in 2023:

Food and Hunger Fund  $20,000

Respect for Life  $12,500

Home Mission  $8,500

Total  $41,000


Fr. Jim

~ Image Source

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Wednesday, February 07, 2024

National Day of Prayer for the African American and African Family - First Sunday of February - Article about Fr. James Goode, Founder of This Event! ~ Information Provided by Monique Moody

 Prayer for the African American and African Family

First Sunday of February Black History Month

God of Mercy and Love
we place our African American families before you today.
May we be proud of our history and never forget those
who paid a great price for our liberation.
Bless us one by one and keep our hearts and minds fixed on higher ground.
Help us to live for you and not for ourselves,
and may we cherish and proclaim the gift of life.
Bless our parents, guardians and grandparents, relatives and friends.
Give us the amazing grace to be the salt of the earth
and the light of the world.
Help us, as your children, to live in such a way that the beauty and greatness
of authentic love is reflected in all that we say and do.
Give a healing anointing to those less fortunate,
especially the motherless, the fatherless, the broken, the sick and the lonely.
Bless our departed family members and friends.
May they be led into the light of Your dwelling place
where we will never grow old, where we will share the fullness of redemption
and shout the victory for all eternity.
This we ask in the Precious Name of Jesus, our Savior and Blessed Assurance.


Holy Mary, Mother of Our Families, pray for us.

Fr. James Goode, OFM

For an excellent article about Fr. James Goode, please click on this link:  Black Catholic Messenger

~ Information provided by Monique Moody

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Monday, February 05, 2024

Welcoming of the 2024 RCIA Candidates and Their Sponsors! - Sunday, February 4, 2024 ~ Photos by Connie Hom

Welcoming the 2024 RCIA Candidates and Their Sponsors 

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

February 4, 2024

Chris Metzger, RCIA Coordinator

 Introducing the Candidates

(from the left) Diane Romanello with Andrea Garka, Diane's Sponsor

Chris Roop with Patrick Mukiibi, Chris's Sponsor

~ Photos by Connie Hom

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FATHER JIM'S JOTS - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 4, 2024

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 4, 2024



This past Thursday marked the beginning of February and Black history Month.  Most weekends in February we have events to celebrate.  Please take a look at the events in this bulletin and consider joining us for a few of them.  This Sunday, the justice committee is showing A Place at the Table, a documentary highlighting the African American men and women who are on road to Sainthood.  There is no registration needed and all are welcome to join us in the Parish Hall after 10 a.m. Mass this Sunday.

Next week on February 11th, the St. Elizabeth Gospel Choir will be performing with St. Bridget Catholic Church Choir and Holy Rosary Catholic Church Choir at St. Bridget's Church on Three Chopt Rd.  The concert will begin at 4 p.m. and is a fundraising event for the St. Vincent de Paul Society.  We are partners with this organization and work with them to help our local community with financial assistance, prison ministry, thrift stores, disaster relief, counseling and more.

If you are able, please consider supporting our choir and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.


Fr. Jim

~ Image Source

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