Saturday, October 12, 2024

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Catholic Church - Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 6, 2024

 St. Elizabeth Catholic Church 
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 6, 2024


Our parish is excited to order banners for the "Saintly six" (Fr. Augustus Tolton, Henriette DeLille, Julia Gregory, Mother Mary Lange, Pierre Toussaint and Sr. Thea Bowman).  Several parishioners have visited other Richmond Diocese churches and have requested we also have the "Saintly Six" banners.  We are asking for donations to pay for the banners, as each will cost $100.  If you are interested in making a donation to contribute to the purchase of the Saintly Six Banners, please mail a check to the Parish Office with the memo:  "Banner Saintly Six".  Supply a donation for the banners will be first come first serve so please contact the parish office if you plan to make your donation after this week.

The Catholic Diocese of Richmond is requesting we have a special second collection on October 13th to help the victims of Hurricane Helene.  The funds will go to the following dioceses:  The Diocese of Richmond:  Southwest Virginia, the Diocese of Charlotte and the Diocese of Knoxville.  Please write in the memo of your check "Hurricane Helene Relief!".  Again, this second collection will take place next week, Oct. 13, 2024.

October is designated by the Catholic Church as the Month of the Rosary because in this month the Church celebrates the feast of "Our Lady of the Rosary" on October 7th.  The dedication of the month of October to the Holy Rosary became common in the Church thanks to Pope Leo XIII.  Every night at 7 p.m. our Rosary group meets on Zoom to pray together.  During this month of the Rosary, I encourage all to join, even if only a few times this month, as we strengthen our relationship with prayer and the Blessed Mother.  The link to join can be found in the weekly E-Bulletin.

Blessings to you and yours,

Fr. Jim Arsenault

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Saturday, October 05, 2024

FATHER JIM'S JOTS, St. Elizabeth Church - Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 29, 2024

 St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 29. 2024



It is hard to believe that this is the last Sunday in September!  This upcoming week marks the start of October and we will be holding Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the first Friday of the month.  Please join us on October 4th for Mass at 12 p.m. and an hour of Adoration to follow.

October is designated by the Catholic Church as the Month of the Rosary because in this month the Church celebrates the feast of "Our Lady of the Rosary" on October 7th.  The dedication of the month of October to the Holy Rosary became common in the Church thanks to Pope Leo XIII.  Every night at 7 p.m. our Rosary group meets on Zoom to pray together.  During this Month of the Rosary, I encourage all to join, even if only a few times this month, as we strengthen our relationship with prayer and the Blessed Mother.  The link to join can be found in the weekly E-Bulletin.

Please save the date of our annual Homecoming celebration!  This will take place on November 17, 2024, during Sunday Mass.  This event has become a tradition at St. Elizabeth Parish to invite former parishioners to attend Mass and fellowship with us.  It just so happens that this year the 17th is also St. Elizabeth of Hungary's feast day.  After Mass we will have a Continental Breakfast reception in the Parish Hall.  If you are available to assist with setting up and cleaning up in the Parish Hall, please contact the Parish Office.

Blessings to you and yours,

Fr. Jim Arsenault

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Friday, September 27, 2024

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Catholic Church - Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 22, 2024

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 22, 2024


A few months ago, I was writing about summer plans and praying for safe journeys for all traveling during the summer months.  Now, I wish all of you a happy first day of Fall!  It is hard to believe that time has passed so quickly and that the seasons are changing already.

On one side of the flyer in the bulletin, you will see a call to action against the shipping of illegal arms to Haiti.  This flyer is from the Justice Coalition of Religious: Women & Men Religious Working for Global Transformation at the United Nations and Around the World. To learn more about this organization and this call to action, you can visit their website at:  As Catholics, our most important commandment is to "do to others whatever you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7:12).  I encourage everyone to support our Haitian brothers and sisters. Please see the flyer to find out how you can participate.

The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console,

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Blessings to you and yours,

Fr. Jim Arsenault

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Friday, September 20, 2024

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Catholic Church - Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 15, 2024

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 15, 2024



Thank you everyone for such a successful Ministry Fair last week!  We had a wonderful turnout after both Masses; and it was so great to see everyone getting to know each other and the ministries at our parish.  I would like to give a special thanks to Connie Hom and Eva Wiznerowicz for coordinating the event, set up and the refreshments.  If you signed up for a ministry (or ministries!!) you will be hearing from your ministry leader about details, schedules and more information.

Our Community Life Ministry is in need of more assistance.  The Community Life Ministry assists with parish events (such as Coffee and Doughnuts) and funeral repasts/receptions.  Members will be involved with preparing the food trays and coordinating serving the food and keeping the kitchen in order.  We understand that this seems like a large commitment, but we are hoping to have enough members where you or your family would assist with an event no more than once a quarter.  We are currently planning on having three groups of people using last names to help.

A through E - Group 1

F through N - Group 2

O through Z - Group 3

If you or your family are interested in joining one of the Community Life groups, please email Eva ( in the parish office so she can get you on the list.  It takes many hands to make light work and we will have schedules ready as soon as possible!  Remember being available for just one event this Fall will make a huge difference in our activities!

An update on Communion of the Most Precious Blood of Christ:  It is optional to offer the wine, the Precious Blood, at Communion; however the Priest or Deacon is instructed to consume all remaining wine and purify the sacred vessels.  Both Deacon Chris and I have talked about this and due to our age and health concerns, we do not wish to consume or purify the cup.  I thank you for your understanding in not offering the Sacred Cup.

Blessings to you and yours,

Fr. Jim Arsenault

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 8, 2024

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 8, 2024



Happy Grandparents Day!  With the celebration of its fourth edition, the world day For Grandparents and the elderly continues to be an important occasion for the life of our ecclesial communities and enriched with new meaning.  Attending to our grandparents and the elderly is not only a sign of gratitude and affection, but a necessity in the construction of a more human and fraternal society.  The Holy Father invites us to recognize their value and to do so permanently, not just occasionally.

This year's theme, "Do not cast me off in my old age (cf. Ps 71:9), recalls the heartfelt plea to the Lord not to be left alone in old age.  All too often, in fact, loneliness is a bitter companion in the lives of the elderly due to numerous contingent situations, such as the migration of children or the crisis of families, or due to the individualistic mentality that makes those who are advanced in years feel like a burden.

Yet, as the Holy Father reminds us, God never abandons His children.  In the Bible, growing old is a sign of blessing.  The loneliness and abandonment of the elderly is not inevitable, rather the result of choices that do not recognize the infinite dignity of each and every person.

Blessings to you and yours,

Fr. Jim Arsenault

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Saturday, September 07, 2024

FR. JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Church - Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 1, 2024

St. Elizabeth Church

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 1, 2024



School days are back in full swing.  Soon, our Religious Education classes will start for the 2024-2025 year.  We will have classes available for all grades, so I encourage parents to enroll their children in one of our programs.  In order for your child to attend classes, we ask that your family be registered as members of the Parish.  If you have not registered already, you can do so by visiting our website at:, grabbing a printed form from the back of the church or contacting the parish office.

As you may have heard during Mass last week, Bishop Knestout and the Diocese have granted their approval for our proposed new Parish center.  Any updates from the Diocese, our Parish Office and the status of the project and renderings will be posted on the kiosk by the front doors regularly.

As our parish grows, so does the need for our ministries.  We have over 25 ministries at our parish that support our church and neighboring community.  Whether you are interested in helping during or outside of Mass, there is a ministry that would benefit from your talents and skills!  On Sunday, September 8th we will be hosting a Ministries Sign-Up Fair after both Masses.  We are asking everyone sign up for a parish ministry.

I would like to give a special thank you to all who have helped with the preparation of the Celebration of Life for Hannah Schooler.  Thank you to all who have helped support the Schooler Family during this difficult time; our prayers and thoughts continue for them.

We are also praying for Dr. Audrey Cobb, a former parishioner, who passed away a few weeks ago.  Her funeral Mass was in Northern Virginia earlier this week, but we will host a memorial Mass on Friday, September 6th at 12 p.m.  All are invited to attend.

It is with a heavy heart that we are also celebrating the funeral of Frank Beverly, the beloved husband of Peggy Beverly who is a member of our Gospel Choir, on Thursday, September 5th, at 11 a.m. with viewing starting at 10 a.m.  All are invited.

Blessings and prayers to all.  May all rest in Peace,

Fr. Jim Arsenault 

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Saturday, August 31, 2024

FR. JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Catholic Church - Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 25, 2025

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 25, 2024



How good is it to be back in Richmond!

Last week my jot featured our census numbers from the 2023 and 2024 fiscal years.  According to our reports, our church has grown in numbers with 70 new individuals registered since last year.  Wow!  As our parish grows so does the need for our ministries.  We have over 25 ministries at our parish that support our church and neighboring community through stewardship, outreach, unity, fellowship, education, youth programs, worship and so much more.  Whether you are interested in helping during or outside of Mass, there is a ministry that would benefit from your talents and skills!  On September 8th, you will get to meet all of our ministry leaders after both Sunday Masses and speak to them about the work their ministry does.  (Enjoy a cup of coffee and a doughnut too!)  If you are not already involved in a ministry, please consider joining one and further contribute to the life of our parish!

Erin Cleary, who has been working as our Assistant Director of Religious Education for the past year and a half is leaving our office as she has gotten a new position at an accounting firm in Richmond. During her time with us, Erin has worked on our grant applications, social outreach, teaching, assisting with coordinating our religious education programs, and more.  The community of St. Elizabeth and I thank Erin for her wonderful work with us and wish her well at her new position.

Are you interested in keeping up with the events at St. Elizabeth Parish?  As we move into September, our church's regular activities and events will start back up again. Our website calendar is regularly updated and displays all of our upcoming events.  Bu clicking "Subscribe to Calendar" button below the online calendar, you can add our parish schedule to your personal calendar on Google, Apple, or Outlook/Microsoft.  Visit  

Blessings to you and yours,

Fr. Jim Arsenault, Pastor

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