The Sin of Omission ~ by Ronnie Archer
Labels: sundayreflection
A place to share hopes and dreams for our parish community.
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Sr. Angela: The drum calls us to prayer. As music of drums played, Sr. Angela gave us some thoughts of spirituality to reflect on. "Today is a day to treat yourself." A visual presentation put us in touch with God's Presence. There were questions for discussion: How do you LIVE spirituality? What components do you feel are essential to you spiritually? What words describe spirituality for you? How does spirituality affect your daily activities, work situation and relationships to the natural world?
As we went outside for about 15 minutes, we were asked to reflect on the four questions. Also, not to speak with anyone at this time, find a quiet place. We came back and shared our wisdom. There were lots of remarks about the questions. They were written out on small colorful stickers and placed on a board that was placed over the Altar at Mass.. Here are some of the comments: Look for and finding God's love ~ Let go! ~ Slow down and look ~ A daily quest ~ Trust on a higher being ~ Humble ~ Kind ~ Communicate daily with God ~ Prayerful ~ Compassion ~ and many more. The sun came out. What a beautiful day. Spirituality is not a choice; everyone is spiritual. It is what we do with our spirits and souls.
Some of us took some time to go through the memorabilia in the Mansion. Familiar names and faces jumped out at us, as we looked at the photo albums. On display is a picture of our own, the late Ron Handy, in his military uniform from the class of 1960. Other newspaper articles brought the place alive for me. All the different rooms of the Mansion, seeing them just takes you back in time. It's so sad to see the great place deteriorating. We prayed for the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.
Mass was said by Fr. Andrew. He reflected on how Prayer can save many; prayer for your enemies. Only when you forgive that person in your heart. St. E's choir was amongst us for enjoyable selections, as always. We ended our retreat with a few announcements.
Thank you to all the Sisters for a job well done and the Women's group also. I think all enjoyed themselves. Meeting God Through Nature was just fantastic.Labels: retreat
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Labels: sundayreflection
Labels: baptism
Today's readings show people seeking forgiveness for their sins. When we can't see, feel or touch the invisible God, we take bold steps on our own to satisfy our longing for God, by acquiring power, money and possessions.
Labels: sundayreflection
This month's "Voice of the People" meeting after Mass included an update by members of the finance council about the following issues:
1. Renovation of the rectory - the immediate need is to fix the outside of the rectory and monies are available for that.
2. Arrangements have now been made by the finance council to pay all or part of the salary and benefits of our priest. The exact amount will be known soon.
3. We have not yet received payment for the sale of the piece of property that the United Methodist group needs for their project. The sale depends on the city's agreement that the project begin.
4. The congregation is being encouraged to contribute more in their envelopes each week to meet the expenses of the new fiscal year.
5. Parishioners asked that a list of items needed for the rectory be given to the parish members. They also asked that more detail be given by finance council as to the needs of the parish.
Labels: parishinfo
Rosemary reported to the Black Catholic Commission about one of the sessions she recently attended at the National Black Catholic Congress.
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Jesus' preaching attracted many people who wanted to be one of HIS disciples. His question was "why are you trying to follow ME?" Everyone who follows Jesus should have a call within THE call, or you cannot be a follower of Christ. Whatever our call in life is, (our vocation), we should do it well; but we should also have THE call to do whatever it takes to carry our own cross.
Labels: sundayreflection
Unfortunately, there were no photos of the Redeem Choir.
~ Photographs by Jimmy Allen ~
Labels: parishinfo
The Black Catholic Commission meeting was held at St. Benedict Catholic Church on Saturday, September 8, 2007. The meeting was attended by Commission members, newly appointed Commission members, guests and Diocesan staff.
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Labels: parishinfo
We want to welcome Msgr. Walter Barrett, pastor of Holy Rosary Catholic Church, in his new role here at St. E's. As many of you already know, Msgr. Barrett was recently appointed Administrator of St. Elizabeth's, with Fr. Andrew as our Priest in Residence.
Labels: parishinfo
I have been attending Mass all of my life, originally at St. Joseph Church, and attended Van de Vyver Catholic school for all of my elementary years. I never gave much thought to spirituality, until I became a member of St. Elizabeth's Parish after the closure of St. Joseph Parish, which was heart breaking for the African American Community.
Labels: spirituality
Labels: spirituality
Leadership Metro Richmond has selected The Micah Initiative as this year's most deserving organization in the category of Creating Quality Educational Opportunities and will honor them as a 2007 Richmond History Maker. The Micah Initiative brings together 47 faith groups that provide 600 volunteers to assist in 26 elementary schools in the Richmond Public Schools.
Labels: misc
The theme of the first reading, Sirach 3, and the Gospel of Luke 14, is humility. It is MOST important to GOD for us to be humble.
Labels: sundayreflection