Parishioners with November Birthdays ~ Ethel Cooley
11/03 ~ Mary Tucker
11/04 ~ Karen Carter
11/07 ~ Nicole Scott
11/08 ~ Thomas Williams
11/11 ~ Kaestner McDonnough
11/21 ~ Ronald Timmons - Stacy Wright
11/29 ~ Kevin Teachey
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A place to share hopes and dreams for our parish community.
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Labels: ordinary time, sundayreflection
Prayer and the Word connect us in the practice of our faith. We saw in the first reading, Exodus 17, how Moses, as the leader, stood back and directed the Israelites to wage battle against Amalek. Moses was to "stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in his hand." He was raising his hands in prayer to God.
Labels: sundayreflection
In the Gospel of the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we heard the story of the ten lepers who went to meet Jesus, asking HIM to "Have pity on us!" Jesus told them to go show themselves to the priest. They showed great faith and obeyed. As they were going, they were cleansed. BUT, only one, when he realized that he was healed, returned to give thanks and glorify GOD. Jesus stated that ten were healed; and wondered where the other nine were. How often do we take for granted the blessings that GOD has given us, and "return" to give thanks?
Labels: sundayreflection
I came across this beautiful prayer for our priests today. It was written in 1995 by Cardinal O'Connor. Take a minute to pray these words; for surely our priests have need of our prayers...
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Labels: retreat
Labels: birthdays
The Word regularly inspires us to see what faith is, and to have faith. Faith is action to do things that seem impossible. It is beyond our imagination and beyond nature. The Apostles wanted faith... they moved about with Jesus, but still they needed an increase in their faith. They could not receive faith because they were "at odds" with each other.
Labels: sundayreflection
On Sunday, September 30, 2007, St. Elizabeth Church honored the couples of our parish who had been married 25 years or more. What an impressive sight it was, to see most of the 22 couples gathered in front of the altar bearing witness to the permanence of their marriages. Several of these couples were celebrating their Golden Anniversaries this year and some, even longer. It was a beautiful testimony to the rest of us; and the first time many of us had realized just how many of our people were in such long lasting marriages. It was an absolutely wonderful occasion.
Labels: parishhistory
On the second Sunday of October (14th), Rosemary and Vivian will resume monthly blood pressure checks for our parishioners.
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Labels: parishinfo