Wednesday, February 26, 2025

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Church - Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 23, 2025

 St. Elizabeth Church

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 23, 2025


I would like to say a special thank you to Msgr. Tom Miller for presiding over our Sunday Masses in my absence.  I am on retreat in Detroit and will return on Wednesday, February 26th.  We will not have a Weekday Mass or Communion Service on that Wednesday, but we will on Friday, February 28th.

We are now less than two weeks away from Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent.  Lent is a 40-day season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday.  It's a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter.  I encourage you to take the calendar in this bulletin and place it somewhere visible.  We will have many events and programs that I encourage everyone to be a part of as we make this Lenten journey.

Many of you have received a mailing from the Catholic Diocese of Richmond inviting you to help with the Richmond Diocese Annual Appeal.  If you are able to contribute to this fund, also know that we receive back more than the amount we are asked to donate.  Our in-pew collection for the Annual Appeal will be on March 9th and March 16th.

The public phase of the Capital Campaign will end at the start of Lent (March 5th).  If you have not yet turned in your pledge card, please so do.  You can mail it to the Parish Office (1301 Victor St., Richmond, VA 23222) or place it in the collection basket on Sunday.  Please make sure that the pledge card is included with your contribution for our records.  All contributions no matter the amount are a blessing to our Parish and this campaign.  If you are not able to make a pledge, please keep our campaign and Parish in your prayers.  Thank you to everyone for all of your support, both prayers and pledges, for the success of this campaign.


Fr. Jim

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Saturday, February 22, 2025

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Church - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 16, 2025

 St. Elizabeth Church

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 16, 2025


It has been a special delight to celebrate Black History Month!  Today, Cathy Woodson, and next Sunday, Sister Cora Marie Billings, will speak to us more about our Saintly Six, the men and women on the banners in the Church.  I hope you are enjoying our large, beautiful banners.  We are also celebrating Black History Month with hymns and a special prayer after the homily in honor of Black families.

Next week, please welcome Msgr. Miller on Sunday, February 23rd who will be the priest celebrant at our Masses.  Thank you, Msgr. Tom Miller.  I will be on retreat in Detroit.  Kindly keep me in your prayers.  Due to new Diocesan regulations, Deacons can no longer hold Communion Services while the pastor is away.  Because of this, while I am in Michigan, there will be no Weekday Mass or Communion Services on Wednesday, February 19th, Friday, February 21st, or Wednesday, February 26th.

Many of you have received a mailing from the Catholic Diocese of Richmond inviting you to help with the Richmond Diocese Annual Appeal. If you are able to contribute to this fund, also know that we receive back more than the amount we are asked to donate.  Our in-pew collection for the Annual Appeal will be on March 9th and March 16th.  More information will be shared in next week's bulletin.

The public phase of the Capital Campaign will end at the start of Lent (March 5th).  If you have not yet turned in your pledge card, please so do.  You can mail it to the Parish Office (1301 Victor St. Richmond VA 23222) or place it in the collection basket on Sunday.  Please make sure that the pledge card is included with your contribution for our records.  All contributions no matter the amount are a blessing to our Parish and this campaign.  If you are unable to make a pledge, please keep our campaign and Parish in your prayers.  Thank you to everyone for all of your support, both prayers and pledges, for the success of this campaign.


Fr. Jim  

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Friday, February 21, 2025

St. Elizabeth Church Youth Group Activities - Diocesan Youth Conference - February 7-9, 2025 ~ Photos by Liz Wiznerowicz

St. Elizabeth Youth Group Activities

Diocesan Youth Conference

February 7-9, 2025

These photos are from the Diocesan Youth Conference Feb. 7-9.  We had 11 youth in attendance, our largest group yet.  We had a great time, enjoying fun and games, a service project, group formation, daily Mass, adoration, and reconciliation. 

 ~ Message and Photos by Liz Wiznerowicz

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Friday, February 14, 2025

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Church - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 9, 2025

St. Elizabeth Church

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 9, 2025




The Funeral Mass for our Sister in Christ, Marie Masse, is scheduled for this Saturday.  The Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and the Mass will start at 11 a.m.  All are welcome.  Marie was an active member of St. Elizabeth for several years and a member of our Gospel Choir.  Her daughter is Anna Cave, with her husband Chris and two children, Lukas and Harper.  If your schedule permits, please attend this celebration of life.  Marie will be deeply missed.  May she rest in peace.

This weekend, a group of 12 youth from our Parish are attending the Diocesan Youth Conference in Downtown Richmond.  Please pray for them and their chaperones as they make new friends and learn about Christ and His Church.

I would like to say a big thank you to the AOH (Ancient Order of Hibernians), an active group in Richmond of folks who are Irish.  I am the chaplain for both the Men's and Women's groups in Richmond.  Please enjoy the breakfast they are providing this Sunday in the Parish Hall.

We also welcome our local chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.  The Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta Chapter, which includes the parishes of Holy Rosary, St. Bridget and St. Elizabeth.  We are pleased to be a part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and are looking for more parishioners to assist in this important ministry.  For more information or if you are interested in joining, please see Sr. Anns James (  

The public phase of the Capital Campaign will end at the start of Lent (March 5th).  If you have not yet turned in your pledge card, please so do.  You can mail it to the Parish Office (1301 Victor St. Richmond VA 23222) or place it in the collection basket on Sunday.  Please make sure that the pledge card is included with your contribution for our records.  All contributions no matter the amount are a blessing to our Parish and this campaign.  If you cannot make a pledge, please keep our campaign and Parish in your prayers.  Thank you to everyone for all of your support, both prayers and pledges, for the success of this campaign.

If you are a federal employee and need help or have questions about your employment status, please contact Senator Tim Kaine at


Fr. Jim, Pastor


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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Misc. St. Elizabeth Church Christmas Season 2024 Photos - Sent from The Parish Office ~ Provided by Ron Easter

 St. Elizabeth Church 

Misc. Christmas Season Photos - 2024

-~ Photos provided by Ron Easter


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Tuesday, February 04, 2025

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - St. Elizabeth Church - February 2, 2025

St. Elizabeth Church

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

February 2, 2025


We wish to thank Kim Bragg who has been out parish council president for the past several years.  Kim is stepping down from this leadership role but will remain an active member of our parish.  Tinka Amouzouvi-McIntosh has agreed to be our New Parish Council President.  We also wish to thank Joe Kunkel who has been a member of the parish council and is stepping down.  We are looking for several new members to join our Parish Council.  If you wish to be a member, please contact Tinka at

We are pleased to offer the R.C.I.A. class on Sundays after the 10 a.m. Mass for adults who wish to learn more about becoming Catholic or who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please contact Chris and Beng Metzger at

Also, if you have been attending Mass and have not registered, please take a Registration Form on the bulletin board behind the Kiosk and return the form in the collection basket or mail to the parish office.

We are ending the public phase of the Capital Campaign.  Packets are available in the back of church.  Please turn in you Capital Campaign Pledge Card and return via the provided envelope in the Sunday collection basket or mail to the parish office at 1301 Victor Street, Richmond VA 23222.


Fr. Jim

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