Dear St. Elizabeth Parishioner,
Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and alms giving. It brings a sense of hope, as it is a time for fresh starts with the coming of Easter and a new spring.
Last year, we were all given more time for pause and reflection, and I found myself continuously thinking of our Saint Elizabeth family. You kept our parish moving forward during this difficult past year. Thank you.
I am once again asking for your prayers and financial help to support our Annual Diocesan Appeal. We need your help to meet our 2021 goal of $14,220. As a parish, Saint Elizabeth received $18,000 in grants from this annual appeal.
We are so blessed at Saint Elizabeth for the assistance of the Appeal. We have a church that has a new roof, parish hall floor, boiler, air conditioning in the hall, and everything painted, a vibrant Social Justice Ministry, Social Ministry/Food Pantry, and a wonderful religious education program.
You have likely received a letter and brochure from the Bishop regarding the 2021 Appeal. I would ask you to please take a moment to reflect on all the ministries the Appeal supports and prayerfully consider a new gift or an increase in your gift if you have contributed previously. While you are praying on your gift, please also consider giving online. You can do so at
I know you feel Saint Elizabeth is a blessing. Thank you for reflecting on that in your level of giving.
If you have any questions at all about the Appeal, or how to adjust your online giving, please reach out to Saint Elizabeth Parish Office at 804-3294599,
You and your family are in my prayers, and I hope that I am in yours.
Gratefully in Christ,
Rev. Jim Arsenault, Priest/Administrator
c. 804-221-1508
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Labels: 2nd Sunday of lent, The Transfiguration